And here's another Chelsea check on the bench and a Chelsea embroidered duvet.
I'm not the only designer who loves checks. Mario Buatta has a thing for them too. Here he uses a check on the settee:

Buatta must like big scaled checks, he uses a yellow one for these draperies:
Mariette Himes Gomez uses checks in the traditional way, on the back of a French fauteuil:
Someone who loves checks more than me, New York designer Jeffrey Bilhuber surprised people with his excessive use of checks in his new apartment:
Bilhuber's dining room:
Houston's Michael Siller also covered an entire room in his house with checks. Do you think he inspired Bilhuber?
Dallas designer Cathy Kincaid uses checks to line the bed's canopy.
Michael Smith is known for using this blue and white check in his designs. It shows up again and again:
Kathryn Ireland uses checks alot, also. Here she uses a dark blue check to contrast with the all white French styled bedroom:
In this vintage photograph, socialite Gloria Vanderbilt sits under one of the collages that she was famous for making. The check in the collage matches the fabric on the couch. The two matching Venetian mirrors are drop dead gorgeous! Playing next to her are her two sons. One is the famous CNN reporter: Anderson Cooper. Are you aware of what happened to the other son?
In France, checks are frequently used as a secondary fabric to toile:
John Stefinidis, interior designer extraordinaire, likes to use checks:
New Orleans' Gerrie Bremermann uses checks often. Here one shows up on the duvet:
Houston Designer Ginger Barber uses a check as the only pattern in an otherwise neutral room:
Despite the luxurious fabrics used in this room, a simple check shows up on the pillows:
Interior Designer Diane Burns uses silk checks in her French styled bedroom:
A checked fabric livens up a bedside bench:
Victoria Hagan puts the check on the floor with an Elizabeth Eakin rug:
Here, Ikea gets in on the check act with it's slipcovered sofa:
And finally, here on Chelsea Edition furniture, is, of course, a Chelsea Edition check!
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→Check Mate!
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