My Marrakesh is one of my favorite blogs. If you aren't familiar with this blog, you should be. It is written by the adorable and quite beautiful Maryam, a warm, sweet, funny and loving woman who moved to Marrakesh some years ago and continues to live there with her husband and son and daughter. Maryam, American by birth, is a social activist - a human rights and democracy specialist. She is also a writer of much acclaim, and a very, very popular blogger. She has thousands of readers who adore her infectious style of third person prose. Her readers check in regularly to share in her adventures in Marrakesh and in her exotic travels to Africa, the Middle East, and India, to name a few.
Right now Maryam and are husband are in the process of building guest houses on their fragrant olive tree-filled property. The Peacock Pavilions, as the guesthouses are to be called, are named after their numerous pet peacocks. Maryam's husband is the architect of the Moroccan styled guest houses and the building process has been a combination of love, hard work, obsession, and desire. It's been a long road getting them up and ready for business and they're almost through. Maryam is tired and anxious and ready to greet her guests. She's in need of a little TLC right now. Recently, her blog was nominated for Best Blog of 2007, International Division. Voting closes on Thursday and currently she's in second place. Would you please consider voting for her - she could use a "lift" right now. You can vote once every 24 hours, so hopefully you can get two votes in before it closes. Click HERE to vote. On top of all her accomplishments, Maryam is a wonderful photographer. Her blog is filled with her shots of Morocco and of her travels. I've pulled some of my favorites off her blog to share her exotic life with you. Enjoy!!! (All pictures are copyrighted by Maryam.)

A pet peacock.

Tiles which Morocco are famous for.

Aw, the beautiful couple at their wedding.
Please be sure to visit My Marrakesh and please vote today, here.
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→My Marrakesh, My Maryam
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