My 50th birthday rolled by 3 years ago and now, it's that time again on the 20th. To my complete and utter surprise, two of my favorite blogging friends conspired to wish me a happy birthday in a most creative way, or course! Patricia Gray, the fabulous Canadian interior designer of Architectural Digest fame, asked Ronda Carmon of the delightful AND informative All The Best to contact Ronda's new friend and artist, Patricia van Essche of PVE Designs. Ronda asked PVE to design something special for my birthday and, wow, did she ever: her watercolor completely captures Cote De Texas and me.
If you look closely, you can see my Springer Georgie and also, my baby Cavalier Sammi Jo sleeping on a French chair. There's a Texas armadillo (how did PVE know about my Armadillo days in Austin all those years ago????). I love the flowery urn and the French wine and cheese. A starfish hails all the from South Padre Island. PVE even managed to draw my design books in. I can't remember ever receiving another gift as creative as this and I'm anxiously awaiting the watercolor's arrival.
PVE is available for custom watercolors. Besides her character studies, she does delightful paintings of homes. Be sure to visit her web site and check out her work. Ronda and PVE rendezvoused this fall in NYC and Ronda has nothing but praise for Patricia. She described her to me as a lovely woman, extremely warm and caring, well mannered in the Southern way, and an absolute pleasure to be with!
To Patricia Gray and Ronda: I owe you both a big one! Somehow I'll repay you in kind one day. You helped make this one of my best birthdays ever. I felt so loved by your gift and just walked on air all day yesterday.
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