If you aren't familiar with Jackie or her delightful blog, she lives and writes in Las Vegas and has a new book coming out any day now. Tittled "The Design Directory of Window Treatments" the book features Jackie's own wonderfully drawn illustrations of draperies and other soft goods. There is another book by Jackie that is already in publication: "From Design to Delivery" and a third book about bedding is slated to be published next year. Besides being a self described "accidental author" she is also an interior designer with her own firm: Plush Home. Her blog chronicles her experiences in getting the new book completed and lots of other design topics that interest her. She also has a web site that you might want to visit.
Jackie and I have exchanged a host of friendly e-mails and she is a sweet and genteel woman. If you don't yet have "Jackie Blue Home" on your favorite blog list, I'm sure after visiting it, you will want to add it. She's a total delight!
Thanks again, Jackie, for all your kind words! I am completely flattered.
Jackie's illustrations for her new book, above and below - a few of my favorites:
Here's a picture of one of Jackie's design through her company, Plush Home:
And lastly, the lovely Jackie before her much discussed hair cut:
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→Jackie Blue Home
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