Margaret's a doll with a bright future ahead of her. It's a pleasure shopping here among such beautiful and exquisite things and not be treated snobbishly or rudely, a rarity in the upper echelons of antique stores these days. She delights in the beauty of her hand picked pieces and her attitude is infectious.
Pale woods are the norm here. Large accessories like this clock face are favored.
Gray painted corner piece, unusual garden chaise, oversized mirror all add to the romance of M. Naeve.
I'll take two of each: sconces and botanicals.
There's a match to this chaise, with the arm on the right side, perfect with a table between them.
Pale woods and lilies, chairs with interesting backs
The mood at the store is so serene, calm, almost hushed, until Margaret's giggles pierce the quiet.
Interesting displays of furniture piled to the ceiling, gorgeous mirror.
Margaret has all her lampshades custom made in Paris, of course!
Besides French furniture, Swedish pieces abound - like this day bed piled high with linens.
Stunning candelabra, table surrounded with chairs with a 'lone star' motif.
The only color - gorgeous green!
Even her flower arrangements are to die for, creamy roses surrounded by lavender colored roses.
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→Paris in Houston, Part I
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